The Tokyo-based artist Yoshitomo Nara, who has captivated a large audience with enigmatic sculptures and paintings of large-eyed innocent children with a dark edge for over two decades, shows at Pace in Chelsea, New York, from May 10 to June 29 works on paper and huge bronze heads of children either smiling or with half-closed eyes, some with ambiguous, often mind-boggling expressions blending innocence with cruelty, joy and dark-humor. Some of the art works were recently included in the solo exhibition Yoshotomo Nara: a bit like you and me, organized by the Yokohama Museum of Art and Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto. Nara is one of the leading Japanese artists of the Neo Pop movement, influenced by manga and anime of the 60s and the punk rock of his youth.
Words Mean Nothing at All, Acrylic on wood board, 76 9/16 x 74 5/8 x 3 9/16 ; 194.6 x 189.5 x 9 cm.