Film and Video

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Film: Love Is Like Life But Longer


I first saw this film on the website of the British author Simon Van Booy, right after I read his novel Everything Beautiful Began After. Although this was a different story, I felt the film was part of the novel, as if it were a sequel or a prelude of beauty that began with the [...]

Film: Love Is Like Life But Longer2021-03-02T13:08:54-05:00

Lecture by Robert Irwin on Light and Space


This is a 46-minute lecture by the Californian artist Robert Irwin (b 1928) during an event of the Chicago Humanities Festival in January 2010.  He is one of the founders of the Light and Space movement in the 1960s. His work focuses on the issues of light and space within a specific site or environment, [...]

Lecture by Robert Irwin on Light and Space2021-03-02T13:08:55-05:00



A wind-borne paper boat wanders across the calm lake waters, finding its way into the hands of a little girl playing on the waters edge. Opening up the paper boat, she sees the picture of a small boy waving at her, as though from the distant shore. She immediately feels a connection with this little [...]

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